Saturday 7 February 2015

Rugby Bears

Any one who knows me will know I'm a massive rugby fan. So seeing as the Six Nations were rolling round again I thought I'd try and make something for it this year.

After living as an English woman in Cardiff, Wales, for 4 years I know all too well the importance of the annual England v Wales match, so when I found out that was going to be the first match of the tournament this year I just had to do something to mark the occasion!

So I've decided to create some rugby bears: here are George and Dafydd.

I had the idea quite a while ago to add a collar to one of my other bears to make it look more like a rugby shirt, but I couldn't find a pattern anywhere. So in the usual fashion, I made one up! 

The emblems are possibly the hardest things to make, and the most fiddly. I used a 2.00 mm hook and some thin cotton. For the rose I had to make it in 3 parts, a big section of the flower, a small section of the flower and the stalk.

Rose Emblem Pattern

Rose big flower section:
All in a magic ring
(1dc, 1 htc, 1tc, 1htc, 1dc, sl) repeat 5 times

Rose small flower section is the same as above but only repeat 3 times.

And for the stalk I chained 6 but then joined the sixth stitch back to stitch number 3 with a slip stitch in order to make a leaf shape. I then flipped it over so I was working on the other side and did the same again, this time the leaf was then protruding from the other side. Then you just stitch all the parts onto the shirt: stalk, then big section then small section. I've made diagrams below of the pattern which I think are easier to understand.

Buy your own little rugby bear here



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